Earn Money Online Through Google AdSense In Nepal - Step by Step Guide

Earning money through online can be the interested subject matter for everyone. I know some of the individuals are still unaware upon this method. Occasionally I happens to hear from the side of my some friends that he is making fool us. But it sure that if you are really interested in online job, I promise that you are also will be able to make some $. Especially, in the case of online jobs there are lots of online job available on the internet, Among them here throughout this article I will try to dig-out the root of how to make money from Google AdSense in Nepal.

Mainly in the context of Nepal, there are lots of companies who claims to help you earn thousand of dollars per month. And I have happened to listen that they charge anywhere from Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000. My advice is that please don’t fall in this spam, and be sure that creating new Adsense account in Nepal is 100% free. You don’t need to spend a single dim to verify it either. And then all the tricks whatever they teach you is just a black hat method – means they are illegal for Google and your Google Adsense will be banned forever, keep mind that there are no extra trick to Google Adsense besides some few optimization tips.

Its true that you can earn some money through black hat methods but its risky. Whenever Google finds out you account will get banned and you won’t be able to create another Adsense account with your identity until your lifetime. Once, imagine – when you work so hard to earn $99 and just before the day of payment Google rejects your account. So black hat method can’t be appropriate, you constantly need to hard work on it. To prevent you from such span, now I am going to briefly describe about earning from Google Adsnese in Nepal. Here I will try to make it more simple and adds as much information as possible, be passionate !

Myself :
From few years ago I ‘m also able to make money from Google AdSense staying in Nepal. Mostly I earn from my Youtube channels and some from blogs. While starting Adsense I used to do hard work, there was no one to help me and start earning slowly and gradually myself. Here’s a proof of my earning :
What is Google AdSense ?
AdSense (Google AdSense) is an advertising placement service by Google. The program is designed for website publishers who want to display targeted text, video or image advertisements on website pages and earn money when site visitors view or click the ads.

How Does it works.
It all starts with Advertisers. An advertiser will choose certain keywords on which they would like to advertise.

Suppose, I want to advertise my new computer shop. I would bid on certain keywords like “buy laptop, computer hardware, desktop, etc”. The amount that I would bid depends on the competition of keywords. For e.g. Certain keywords are very competitive like insurance, health, etc. So If I had to advertise on those high competitive keywords I would need to bid high amounts any where from $1 to even as high as $50 to $80 per click! After an advertiser makes bid on certain keywords Google will place their ads on contents related to that keyword.

Once someone clicks on that ad, Google will charge money from me (advertiser), take some % of that money and give the remaining share of that money to the content creator.

How much money we can earn from Nepal ?
There is no accurate answer, its depends upon you. As you get started, you might earn as low as $1 and even nothing in your first few months. There is no limitation about how much you earn. There are some Nepalese individuals who are able to earn $500 to $2000 per month from Nepal. Globally there are some individuals who earns $35,000 - $ 50,000 per month through the same Google Adsense.
Its not as easy as people claim in the internet it to be, its really hard to earn from Adsense in Nepal. I wouldn’t exactly say its HARD but you have to smart work .

Here are the few things which affect your earning
  • From which location comes your visitors
  • Your content
  • Number of Visitors
  • And Ad placement.
Important : If your visitors comes from Nepal then you will not be able to earn much. So you should target visitors from such countries like United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada. Now if you are making plan to create a website or a Youtube channel for Nepali audience then you won’t earn anything ! it will be just time pass.

Here is an example, just learn to be able to create an AdSense account which makes huge amount of money – If there is a 1 lakh video views on youtube from Nepal your earning will be around Rs 300 but if the 30,000 visitors comes from United State you will be able to earn Rs 13,000.

If you have a dream about earning money with AdSense staying at your own home, its time to turn your dream into reality. Lets Get started …..

First of all, just know that there are two types of Adsense account, Hosted Account and Norman/Regular Account known as Non-hosted Account.

What is Hosted Adsense Account ?
In this account, Google gives you allow to show ads only in Google hosted platforms. For example, you can only allow to show ads on Youtube videos or in Blogspot Sites. If you have your own website, then with a hosted account you cannot show ads on it.

If you want to create Hosted Adsense account through youtube takes about just 1-2 days. Now, here I don’t like to mention about this process because I have already made a tutorial about it. Check Now !
Menu bar of the Hosted Account
What is Normal/Regular AdSense Account ?
In normal/regular AdSense account, Google gives you allow to show ads on any websites, Youtube Videos and different mobile apps. Its so difficult to create such types of account because your website needs to have enough original content, huge amount of page viewers, then your website should be few months old and there are also some other criteria to be followed.

Epically, this article tries to talks about this particular type of AdSense account.
Menu bar of Normal Account
Now create a Google AdSense Account.
Before applying Adsense form Nepal there are few requirements which you must followed : First one things you must have to Website ( remember here we are discussing about creating a Normal AdSense account not about Hosted Adsense account). And then you have to above of 18 in the case of your age, otherwise if you are under 18 you can apply using the identity of your parent or guardian who gives you permission to do so.

OK ! lets start..
  • First, go to Signup page for Adsense. Then now you can see an option to create a new Google account, or you can choose to use your exiting Google account.
  • After this you will be next step, now enter your own website URL, Select a content language and click on continue.
  • Now you are in the most important step, Provide your accurate info . “payee name” is much more important, make sure to use the same name under which you have in a bank account. Because your payment will be send under that name. finally, click on “submit my application”.

  • Its time to review your application from Google Adsense team. If your websites are under Adsense policy your Adsense account will get approved. Once your account is approved you’ll receive an email, like this.

Things before applying AdSense.
  • Its important to be enough articles on your website. There is no exact number of articles you should need but make sure you have at least 25-30 original content having the 1500-2000 words per article.
  • You must have to at least thousand of views per month.
  • Embed the Privacy Policy, About Us and Contact Us page on your webside.
  • All the content should be under Google Adsense Policy, Now read Full Adsense Policy from Here.
  • Its important that never does copy and paste form others, try to write self original content.
  • Remember that some times your request will be approved even in the few articles, while sometimes even with 100 articles your account may not get approved. So keep going re-applying if Google denies your approval.
If you’ve followed all the rules mentioned above, now you have a Regular Adsense Account.

The Next step is creating ad units and place on your websites. Then your earning get start and after reach $10 in your earning Google will send you a Verification PIN, to know that you are real or not. If you don’t verify your Adsense account then there is no matter that how much you earn, you wont receive your earning. After you have verified your Adsens account, you should now set up you payment methods.

Now Let’s go in Details

Creating Ad Units
After verification your Adsense account, its important to create Ad units. To create Ad unit follow the steps below :
  • Login your AdSense account and go in My ads tab.
  • Looks in sidebar, then select your product, e.g. if you want to display ads on your website, select “Content”.
  • Click +New Ad unit.
  • Give name of your ad unit.
  • In the “Ad size” section, choose the size of the ads that you’d like to show and then click on “save and get code” option
You can get more info about creating an ad unit from Here.

Now time to replacing ads units on your website. After successfully created a Ad unit you’ll get a code . then copy the code and paste in you website where you want to display the Ads. Code looks like this :
Verifying steps for you Account.
Simply verifying means to verify that you are a real or not according to the provided address while creating Adsense account. To verify you Adsense account you should first earn $10. After then Google will send a letter including verification PIN code to your address. This letter look like

Inside it is a verification code which you should enter in your AdSense account. Once Google sends that card, you’ll receive a notification in your AdSense account just like the screenshot below.

on the “Action” button it will take you to another page where you should enter the PIN. Once you receive the card at your address, enter the pin in your AdSense account and then you’ll have a verified Google AdSense account.

If you have provided your address correctly then you’ll have no problem in receiving the letter. However, if you’re from a place outside Kathmandu, then you’ll have trouble verifying your AdSense in Nepal. Because Google doesn’t recognize most of the parts of Nepal.

Payment Method
This is what many people have asked me. There are three ways you can receive your payment of AdSense in Nepal.
  • Through Cheque
  • Through Western Union
  • Through Bank Transfer
Remember that if you’ve created an AdSense account from other countries (United States, Uk, etc) you’ll have extra modes of receiving payment. For example: you can receive your AdSense payment through Payoneer if you have a US AdSense account.

Google AdSense Payment method in Nepal
Bank Transfer and Western Union works well in Nepal however Cheque method of receiving payment sucks! Do not go for “cheque” as your mode of payment unless you do not have access to western union or a bank. Because
1. It will take anywhere from 30-45 days before you receive your cheque.
2. 15-30 more days to withdraw the amount from the Cheque.
3. You’ll need to have an account on that bank to cash the cheque.
4. Most banks won’t even cash your Google cheque.
5. Even if they do, they’ll charge you anywhere from Rs 500 to Rs 2000.
So eventually you’ll receive 90% of your earning after 60-70 days. Unless you don’t have access to Western Union or you don’t have a bank account, I strongly recommend not to use Cheque payment method.

Once when Google sent your earning you will receive an email which looks something like this.
After that, sing in to your Adsense account and Click the setting icon in the upper right corner of any tab, then, from the drop down list, select “payments”.

Now western Union can be the faster way to receive your payment, Here you can set up your payment methods form Here.

Then Google sends you your earning check your Adsense account and get the payment details.
Now visit the nearest Western Union office with your citizenship/driving license/ passport and provide your western union MTCN number. That’s it !

Good Luck !
If you have any confusion about the above steps you can leave a comment, I will try to do my best in reply. And if you get helpful this article please share, share,, share,,,, with other.