Nowadays,Many news and events comes out through newpaper or other digital media regarding sucessful and unsucessful story of sex and relationship . What you are eating can play a role in your sex life. Being overweight can certainly affect your relationships. Below are the list of food that is benifit to have good sex and health.
It offers a lot of folic acid, which can increase histamine production which makes reaching orgasm easier for both men and women.That is so healthy and gives more energy.
Garlic is ripe with allicin, which increases that all important blood flow. Treating fungal infections of the skin,garlic helps to control high blood pressure.
Oysters on the half-shell are pretty sexy to eat, and the protein can certainly promote stamina. However, they also have been connected with increasing production of testosterone, which raises libido in both genders.
Ginger gets some love in the Kama Sutra for its ability to stimulate blood flow which makes the erogenous zones much more sensitive.
Chocolate is the go-to romance food for good reason. Cacao has PEA (phenylethylamine), the “love chemical,” which promotes dopamine production in the brain’s pleasure centers which peak at orgasm. PEA also inspires feelings of euphoria and attraction, which pair well with the tryptophan’s effects of relaxation.
Avocado has various health benifits to contribute to the prevention and control of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions. With a name like that it’s got to be sexy.