Make Online Money By Translating Language

Translate means a process of changing words from one language into another language. World widely people are connected each other through internet, but there are barriers which separates the people because of the language. Though now a days lots of people can speak more than one languages. And there are also few amount of people who can read and write multiple languages. Such people are shining in their life.

So in the internet there are lots of things to be translated in more then one languages and which has huge demand for translators. If you know about multiple language you can use this chance to earn lots of money staying your own home. Where you can earn $0.04 translating just a word.

Basic needs :

  1. Translator should have excellent reading and writing skill of the languages like a native person on which he/she is going to work. And its important that translator have to knowledge of English to find a online translation job easily.
  2. For few translation jobs professionals are preferred over normal members. For e.g. for medical translation worker from medical background are preferred and such professional translators are paid very high.
  3. Clients will expect very high quality translation. So , low quality translators cannot sustain as there will be more competition online.
  4. If you are thinking about joining translation job you have to able to qualify the pre-assessment conducted by the online translation websites.
How to Apply :
  1. Choose one of the websites which are listed below and register in that website. And complete your profile.
  2. Some of the website can ask you to take basic test to filter unworthy beginners. Qualify in that test to get the job. And some website doesn’t conduct any test instead you can directly submit your proposal for the job.
  3. Most of the sites will pay you on word basis and few sites will pay you on document basis.
  4. Quality is the key for success, no quality no job. Clients pay such an high amount excepting quality.
  5. Few company provides professional translation job like advertising where you will have to join group of member and work as a team.
How much you can earn :
This is just an example :
$0.04 * 101 words = $4.04 ( maximum completion time = 30 minutes )

So, if you work daily on 1000 words you can easily earn $40.04 working 5 hours per day. The rate are taken for sample and time taken for completion is just for example. Rate are very high for translation and people have talent to translate 100 words in 10 minutes.

List of best translation job sites :

It is one of the leading translation agency, where you can earn money by translating documents which contains very less words.

After register in this website you have to take the test of particular language combination you choose. A professional senior translator will review your work. And after approval you can start you work daily.

This also known as one of the largest translation market place where thousands of clients posts new translation jobs everyday.

Here visitor has to become a member by registering in translator town first. And after registration you have to search the translation job which matches for you according your qualification.

Another best translator job provider website is Translator Base, where if you want to join first of all you have to register on this site. After registration, build your online resume with work sample to promote you skill and experience.

Then browse on the projects and bid on verified projects. Get hired by the employer after approval. Try to get best rating from the employer.

It also another leading marketplace where you can find major translation jobs. Other than translation job translator café offers transcription job, review writing, editing etc.

Its best o begin with translators café as a beginner to learn more techniques.

Transperfect is a professional translation company, that helps to translate the products descriptions and advertisements of multi national companies.

Lots of activities are don in transperfect other than translation. You can join transperfet team by sending your details like name, e-mail, phone Huber and address with them.