Sometimes while visiting some of the web page, you may come across something you enjoyed viewing. But there is the options of sharing options in social medias, what do you do ? if you have a desire of sharing the page. Well, its not a subject matter of worried just follow the simple steps mentions in below which gives you allow you to send a link to a friend or relatives easily .
In Internet Explorer
You may send a friend a web page you are viewing by clicking File, Send, and then Page by E-mail.
Tip: If you do not see the File menu, press the Alt key.
In Firefox
Right-click on the page you want to send to your friend, and then in the menu, click Send link.
You can also follow the steps in the all browsers section to copy and send a link.
In Opera
Right-click on the page you want to send to your friend, and then in the menu, click Send link by Mail.
You can also follow the steps in the all browsers section to copy and send a link.
Send a friend the web page you are viewing by clicking File, and then Send Page.
You can also follow the steps in the all browsers section to copy and send a link.
All Browsers
If you browser is not listed above or you need an alternative method of sending a link to a friend you can also copy the URL of any page from your browser and then e-mail that link using your e-mail program or service.