How To Block Websites On Google Chrome

Todays Google Chrome has been one of the best  browser in the world. It is so popular for its great features and user friendly interference, which is the reason behind the success of Google Chrome. 

While being a populor  Google chrome there is also little disadvantages that is it dosen’t have the default option to the block a website. Where we have to manually do a setup to block websites on Chrome.

Now here I am trying to share a complete guide which may help you to learn that how to block website on Chorme. So. Let’s start 
  •  First of all you have to download and install an extension called Block Site.
  •  After installing the extension, open the website which you want to block.
  • Then Click right button of your mouse and go to the “Block Site” and select “Add Current Site to Blacklist”. Then that website will be blocked immiediately. And you can only access that website when you make disable extension.
Now if you want to disable the extension, just click on “Options” instead of “Add current site to blacklist” and click on “Off”

Another useful feature of this extension is you can set your own password to protect the settings of this extension. Just go to “Option” and click on “Uninstall Protection” and set your own password.
If you want to manually block a website or particular page, then copy the URL of the website and paste it here and click on “Add Page

If you want to block Particular words in the URL, Then you have to go to options and select “ Block Words” then click on “ Custom List” and add words which you want block in the URL.

In the similar nammer you can also set your own time for blocking websites.

If you don’t want to uninstall this extension forever, thenn become a premium member of the deeloper.

Well, this was one of the simple way about how to block particular website on the Google Chrome. This extension is more powerful  to block websites manily in Google Chrome.  If your are serching to know how to block website on chrome, then this may be helpful for you. Now let me know in the commments that how this method worked for your.