It can be so curious that there is gender difference in computer. Some days ago in a magazine I was read about what is the gender of your computer ? while reading the main title I feel as its a jokes but when I get myself try in my laptop, its methods was true. By the help of online coding I came to
know that my laptop was female. Its great amazing.
Well, Now its your time to check what is the gender of your computer?
- To try this method, first of all open your notepad on your computer.
- After then in your notepad type the below code or you can copy paste following below code.
CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”).Speak” Hello Everyone you are welcome in this website Here you can connect with online job training, I.T tips, E-business etc. Keep visiting, Thank you.
- After then you have to save this text in your computer giving the name " computer_gender.vbs "
Now you can see the saved file in the Bold S icon. Now listen result clicking double upon the saved icon.
Which voice heard you, Male or Female ?
Hope that now you are able to know what is the gender of you computer.