The peripheral devices of any computer which connect on the motherboard and function correctly are called hardware
-Motherboard itself also a hardware
- Types of hardware
- Motherboard
- HDD "Hard disk"
- RAM "Random access memory"
- Processor
- Power supply (p.s)
- Monitor- is also called soft output and digital output
- Printer- it is also called hard output
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Soft output device/ Digital output - Monitor
- Hard output device – Printer
- Hardware :- Body ( which can be touch and feel)
- Software :- Soul ( Which cannot be touch and feel)
- S.M.P.S. (Switching mode power supply) / Main power supply fan.
For e.g.:- +3.3v, +5v, +12v, -12v etc.
- Types of S.M.P.S.
2. ATX – Advance technology Extended ( it haves 20 pins )
- Hard Disk Drive (HDD) :-
The storage capacity of hard disk drive is up to 40 GB to 500 GB above...
The features of HDD
1. It can saves data permanently
2. To remove data from HDD we must delete the data then only it can be remove.
3. In another word HDD can be said as permanent store device or non-removable storage device.
- Parts of Hard Disk Drive :-
Platter: - It is a disk where we save data. In one minutes it takes 7200 rotation. (7200 R.P.M)
Speed: - 7200 Rpm
HDD: - It can read and write with the help of
CD: - It can read and write with the help of optical
- Another parts of HDD:-
2. SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)
1. PATA: - It is a wire or data cable which in parallel in shape which connected to hardisk and motherboard.
2. SATA: - It is wire or data cable which is also connected HDD and Motherboard. This SATA is used in the latest computer. It is a computer bus primarily desigbed for transfer of data between a computer and mass storage devices such as hard disk drives hard drives into compute systems. A computer bus designed to transfer data to and from a hard drive using serial signaling technology. Because SATA cables are thinner than its ribbon type counterpart.
- PATA and SATA is used to do same work but its difference is only that while watching these two data cables, it is not in similar shape.
This is main board of any PC.(e.g. Desktop, Laptop). Which allow connect all the devices on it and make them work properly.
Motherboards are upgraded according to processor. We cannot use same motherboard for different model of processor.
Note: - PCI- when the USB Plug and Back Panel is not working or damage, we should used PCI slot.
Processor: -
This is a chip which we can say heart of computer. It processes all the raw data and gives output as a result. It accepts all the data and controls every hardware connected to the motherboard and gives path to data/signal to the connected hardware or devices.
Types of Processor:-
- 386
- 486
- P1 - 66 MHz to 100 MHz
- P2 - 133 MHz to 400 MHz
- P3 - 533 MHz to 1100 MHz
- P4 – 1133 MHz to 3000 MHz
- Dual core - 1800 MHz to 3000 MHz
- Core2 Duo – 1800 MHz to 3000 MHz
- Core2 Quad – 1800 MHz to 3000 MHz
- Core2 Extreme – 1800 MHz to 3000 MHz
- Till now
Types of Processor
a) Pin
b) Pin less
P4 – For Normal use
Dual core – Photoshop
Core 2 Due – For video editing
Core 2 Quall –
Core2 Extreme –
1.7 GHz/ 128/400/1.75 of] Processor clock speed Kb MHz
- 1.7 GHz – clock speed of processor.
- 128 Kb – catch/caching memory of processor.
- 400 MHz – Bus speed of processor.
- 1.75 volt – Current capacity of Processor.
# 1.7/128 – Intel Celeron: - This is used for normal computer. This is low quality .This is
Low in speed and low cost.
# 1.6/256 – Intel p4
# BUS: - The capacity of carrying data on circuit of computer hardware in different parts is called Bus. E.g. RAM, Motherboard, Processor, PCI Slot and cards
Types of BUS
- Data
- Control
- Address
Control Bus: - To control the data (C.P.U)
Address Bus: - Give address to the data.
RAM (Random Access Memory):- This is a kind of memory used of any computer which stores data while having electricity and after electricity lost data also lost. While we work on any (O.S) operating system all the work are store on RAM before we save the data.
RAM Randomly access the data according to work done on any O.S (Operating System).
Types of RAM:-
- SD RAM- 184 pin
- DDR1 RAM - 250 Pin
- DDR2 RAM - 204 pin
- DDR3 RAM – 240 pin
2. DD RAM: - It used in p4 computers and above. It is pc 266 – pc 400 and it have [128mb – 1 Gb]
3. DDR2 RAM :- It is Pc 800 and it have [256mb – 2 Gb]
4. DDR3 RAM: - It is pc 1666 and it has many more than others computer ram.
Fig: of Motherboard.
IDE1/IDE2:- To connect the wire of hard disk HDD and CD disk
AGP (Advance Graphic Port):- To used graphic card when needed.
- BIOS: - Basic Input/Output System:- This is a programmed in a small CMOS chip on the motherboard. Which helps to detect all the devices connected to the motherboard and also find out the devices is working properly or not.
- Boot: - It is a process to on the computer
- Os Boot
At first any Pc boots with Bios, if all the components are working properly then 2nd step is Os Boot. After OS boot we can work on OS Environment.
How to open/start Bios.
1. Power on the computer
2. Press F1/F2/Del/F10 from keyboard
3. Bios setting programs will appears on monitor
4. And we can saw their standard CMOS Setting, advance setup and many more settings.
Standard CMOS Setting: - This setting is only used for check the hard disk, CD-Rom, and many more things will work or not properly.
Standard CMOS Setting
1. Primary IDE Master - Hard Disk
2. Primary IDE Slave - Not detected
3. Secondary IDE master - CD-Rom
Advance Setup:-
- To setup only Boot Device
- 1st Boot Device - CD-Rom
- 2nd Boot Device - Hard disk
- 3rd Boot Device - Hard disk
Only on PATA
IDE1 - Master
- Slave
IDE2 - Master
- Slave
Fig. PATA Cable
This is a card having inbuilt processor and memory which deals only with graphic of any PC.
VGA - Video Graphic Adapter (PCI Slot)
USB: - (Universal Serial Bus) this is a kind of Bus which works for data transfer on fast speed. The latest version of USB is 2.0 soon it is upgrading to 3.0 versions.
Note: - Now in Laptop there is HDMI, it is new technology. USB – HDMI placed.
CD/VCD/DVD Blue Ray "New Technology" 40GB.
SMPS for Troubleshoot
Green Wire
Black Wire
Needs for technician:-
• Screw driver set
• Xp Bootable CD, Service pack 2,2006
• Vista Bootable DVD/Black xp Bootable DVD
• Windows 7 Bootable DVD
• Driver Collection DVD
• Sharp chimta
• Pen drive
• Ms-Office CD- 2003
• Adobe Collection DVD
Troubleshoot of RAM:-
- No Display
- Change RAM slot
- Change RAM
- Change RAM slot
- Change RAM
- Blue Screen with White font
- RAM Change RAM Slot, Insert New RAM
- HDD Normal Format Or Re-Partition
Data Backup
1. Connect HDD from which needed to recover data on next Pc as slave (If PATA)
* For SATA connect HDD on SATA port and boot computer from original HDD.
2. Copy data to the original HDD from first slave HDD and then of Pc.
To Manage Disk
- Right click on my computer
- Click manage
- Appears computer management
- Click on Storage
- Disk management will appears
- Right click on my computer
- Click on hardware
- And click on device manager
To Run Safe Mode Press [F8] at BIOS boot.
Troubleshoot of Blue Screen
- Os Incompatible (CD)
- Dual Core (+) processor are made for 32 bits and 64 bits O.S.
- So, if you try to install 64 bit O.S. on 32 bit processor then may get such problems.
Driver: - It is software which helps to work any hardware properly. Every hardware has its own driver software provided by manufacturing company without driver software hardware cannot work properly.
File System:-
FAT:- File Allocation Table
HPFS:- High Performance File System
NTFS:- New Technology File System
Note:- C: Partition (Unknown) - File corrupt
D: Partition (NTFS) - Good
1. Casing (SMPS attached)
2. Motherboard
3. CPU
4. RAM
5. Data Cable (SATA, PATA)
6. CPU Cooling Fan
7. PCI Devices
SMPS :- ( Main Power ) (Cable are different)
- 20 pin +4 pin (square) – In New SMPS (20pin old SMPS)
- 4 pin (square yellow) – For Display
- 4 pin (Rectangle) – For HDD, CD-Rom power
+5 volt in Red wire
+12 volt
-12 volt
Black and yellow Display
(Two color)
Four Different color (Black, Yellow, orange, green) ---> for power to motherboard
Front Panel (P4 Motherboard)
(a) 8 & 6:- Used for signal green light
(b) 5 & 7:- Used for reset button
(c) 2 & 4:- Used for power (2 +, 4- )
(d) 1 & 3:- Used for HDD Lid Red light
USB port: - There was red, white, green, black colored wire.
Note: - In New motherboard Red wire is always infront side using sign "L"
Cable color:-
Red: - 1st pin
White: - 3rd pin
Green: - 5th pin
Black: - 7th pin
CPU (Processor):-
Cooling Fan: - We should put the cooling fan in proper shape. Its power plug is side of the fan. Some fan has 3 pin some has 2, 1 pin.
No display:-
1. First check the Power supply of HDD and disconnect the power supply of HDD.
2. Check the RAM Slot with the help of change in RAM.
3. If the BIOS are appearing then our RAM, Processor, Fan, SMPS is correct.
CPU Over Heating:-
1. If cooling fan going slow then CPU will overheated
2. If the CPU is overheated then Computer will hang and automatic restart or shutdown, so we should always check the fan.
- Restart
No Power: - SMPS, CPU, Motherboard, Wire