Upload animated images in Facebook :: How To Upload GIF In Facebook

Facebook has rejected the use of uploading GIFs on its social network, fearing that along with its auto playing video the news feed would become overly cluttered. But facebook users love a meme, and memes and GIFs go hand in hand.

Uploading a GIF in facebook is simple, although you can’t simply attach a GIF to your post as you would do a photo or other image , so now I’m going to show you step by step guide about how to upload GIF in facebook.

First of all, know about, what is GIF?
A GIF is a short animated image that plays in a loop, and can be viewed anywhere. In comparison to a video, GIFs are much smaller files that are more suitable for viewing over slow internet or mobile connections and its faster to upload, too. Learn about How to make animated (GIF) photo.

Step 1: As you can't upload your own GIF files to Facebook, you'll either need to create your own and upload it to another hosting site, or find a GIF you like on Tumblr, Imgur, Giphy or elsewhere. Open the GIF, then right-click on the image.

Step 2: In Google Chrome select the option to ‘Copy Image URL’. If you're using Firefox, instead look for and select 'Copy Image Location'. In Opera you want 'Copy Image Address'. Other browsers will have slightly different options, but in all cases you're looking for an option that allows you to copy the URL that takes you directly to the GIF.

Step 3: Next, log into your Facebook news feed in a new browser window and paste the link into the 'What's on your mind?' status field at the top of the page. You can use Ctrl, V on your keyboard, or right-click in the box and select Paste.

Step 4: Give it a second and the GIF will automatically appear below the URL. You can delete this URL or leave it there - it's up to you.

Step 5: To post the GIF simply click Post - it's that easy!