Romantic SMS For Your Dear One .
- 1 min, 1 hr, 1day, 1 wk, 1 mth, 1 yr, no matter how long
I’ll treasure the times we’ve spent together.
- Three words made my heart beat faster, three words made my
legs shake, 3 words made my head spin, 3 words, I Love You !
- A butter fly needs its wings…. An icebear needs cold weather
and i…. I need you !
- A day may start or end without a message for me, but believe
me it won’t start or end without me thinking of you.
- A day without your love is a day without life.
- A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love. A hug
is just a hug till you find the one you’re always thinking of a dream is just a dream till it comes true love was just
a word till I heard it from you.
- A ring is round, a well is deep, and in your arms I long to
sleep and in your leg I long to lie no one else but you and I .
- A true friend is someone who reaches fro your hand and
touches your heart.
- An angle asked me a reason why I care for you so much. I
told her I are for you so much coz there’s no reason not to.
- And if it all falls apart.
I will know deep in my heart., the only dream that mattered had come true. In
this life, I was loved by you.
- Anyone can say I love you, but finding the right person to
say it to has taken me a lifetime.
- As we grow older together, as we continue to change with
age, there is one thing that will never change,,, I will always keep falling in
love with you.
- Being in love is when she looks at you and says, I would
like to be a cannibal.
- By following my heart I came to you. I only forgot to take
something back with me. For my thoughts are still with you.
- Be miles, you are far from me by thoughts, you are close to
me by hearts, you are in me.
- Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again
tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I’ll be
loving you every single day of my life.
- Curved high on a mountain covered in dew…… I saw these three
words…… I LOVE YOU !
- Do you love me because I’m beautiful or am I beautiful
because you love me ?
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