Gymnast Samir Ait Said breaks leg during Olympic vault
French gymnast Samir Ait Said breaks leg while performing Men's vault at Rio
2016 Olympics WARNING, GRAPHIC CONTENT. Onlookers said sound of the snap
"echoed through the arena" but brave athlete didn't scream in pain
French athlete Samir Ait Said has tragically broken his leg while performing in
the Men's Vault at the Rio 2016 Olympics.
The video above showing the incident
contains very graphic content and should not be viewed lightly. Said was
competing in the qualification of the Men's Vault when he landed awkwardly,
breaking his left leg below the knee. The cracking noise was so loud it could
be heard over the coverage. Some have said it was so loud it "echoed
through the arena". Following his injury, Said laid motionless and simply
put a hand over his face to try and cope with the excruciating pain.