Funny Facebook Status Quotes

Grandmother: Quick go hide, Ur teacher is here because U skipped school 2day.
Grandson: U go hide, I told her U were dead

Knowledge is like under-wear. It is useful to have it, but no need to show it off.

If u can afford gym membership, u can afford deodorant.

When butterflies fall in love do they feel people in their stomach?

Wife: Honey I want U 2 whisper dirty things in mha ear! Husband: kitchen, living rum, dinning rum, patio.

I want 2 make a Facebook account & name ll be nobody so when I C stupid crap people post, I can like it & it will say Nobody Likes This.

Mha Boss & I have so much in common… he loves 2 travel & I love it when he goes.
They say that love is more important than money, but have U ever tried 2 pay UR bills with a hug?

If you can’t Change a Gurl…..Change the Gurl.

Need Love…? …….No…I would prefer vodkaaaa..!!

Some other Funny facebook Status quotes are listed below. Here in our collection of the funny facebook status we use shortcut form such as like 2 instead of to, Gurl instead of Girl, Mha instead of My and many more to give it appropriate sense than usual.

When M on mha death bed, I want mha final words 2 B “I left 1 million dollars in the…

I think mha IPhone is broken. I pressed the home button & M still 8 school.

All mha life I thought air is free until I bought bag of chips

I have BN using Google for 10 years and I have no idea who uses the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.

I told God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike & asked 4 forgiveness.

Hey Google, Please stop behaving like a Gurl , ll you please allow mhe 2 complete the whole sentence B4 U start guessing and suggesting.

Congratulations!!! U R the 100th person 2 views my status. To C Ur prize please clicks Control + W.

If you have also any creative funny facebook status quotes don’t forget to text in the comment box below.